General Practitioners
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If you are looking for a UK General Practitioners in UK, you have found the right place, click on any area and you will find contact information for hospitals.
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How is add/adhd treated? Clinical experience has shown that the most effective treatment for ADD/ADHD is a combination of dietaryintervention, medication, the necessary supplementation, therapy and/or counselling to learn coping skills...
Read moreMOST COMMON INFANT RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS, IS BRONCHIOLITIS – The RED warning signs! The most common infant respiratory illness within the first years of life is called Bronchiolitis. It usually begins with... Read more
SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME AND BETTER BABY SLEEPING GUIDANCE Sudden infant death syndrome is known as (SIDS) and is described as the sudden and unforeseen death of an infant under the... Read more
Mosquito repellents for baby's and kids Use topical repellents that have the four proven active compounds within their chemical structures, but most importantly at the appropriate chemical concentrations. They include the likes... Read more
Mosquito repellents for Pregnant Ladies * Use topical repellents with the recognized active ingredients within them, but importantly at the appropriate chemical concentrations. The recommended active ingredient for pregnant women includes... Read more
The Mirena Contraception is a tough debate, but the medical industry strives to bring out new and more effective products. You can use Mirena, the pill,... Read more
Urine tract infections in babies Under 3 months:Babies under 3 months can have the following symptoms.1. Failure to thrive2. Fever3. Vomiting4. IrritabilityThis situation needs to be dealt with urgently. Urine samples will... Read more
Bowel and bladder A newborn can need up to ten nappy changes a day and, although the frequency of changes will decrease, most babies don’t achieve a degree of bowel and... Read more
Walking and Carrying Your baby will spend most of his time being carried, wheeled or secured in some way and there’s a wide variety of prams and carriers available. When choosing... Read more
Artilce list Cradle capFeeding sense for healthy sleepJaundiceKeeping babys mouth healthy Keeping babys mouth healthy Read more
Tips for teething The appearance of your baby’s first pearly white tooth will no doubt bring you a lot of excitement. But it may not be all toothy smiles for your... Read more
Keeping babys mouth healthy Bringing a new baby home represents a huge learning curve. With all the other factors demanding your attention, you may take the health of your baby’s mouth... Read more
Feeding sense for healthy sleep If you are still feeding your baby at night after 6 months of age it would be useful to look at his diet during the day. ... Read more
Cradle cap It can be pretty upsetting to wake up one morning and find that your beautiful, perfect baby has a crust-like condition forming on his head. You may be embarrassed... Read more
Definition of colic Infantile colic is not a disease, but a group of symptoms that occurs in healthy babies aged 2 weeks to 3 months. For a baby to be called... Read more
Colic sensory overload A 'colicky' baby: could sensory overload be the cause? Could sensory overload be the cause? Ann Richardson looks at a common cause of a fussy baby: overstimulation and overtiredness. When... Read more
How is add/adhd treated? Clinical experience has shown that the most effective treatment for ADD/ADHD is a combination of dietaryintervention, medication, the necessary supplementation, therapy and/or counselling to learn coping skills... Read more
Teenagers: Unfortunately, ADD/ADHD may not be recognised or treated for years. When it is only diagnosed in an adolescent for the first time the problems are compounded. Not only do they... Read more
What are the diagnostic criteria for diagnosis? Some factors that seem to be associated with the occurrence of ADD or ADHD – many are impressionistic and controversial, and much more research... Read more
What is ADD/ADHD? ADD stands for Attention Deficit Disorder and ADHD for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, althoughinternationally ADHD is the referral term that includes both ADD and ADHD. ADD/ADHD is a... Read more
Secrets of diet and adhd The Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Support Group of Southern Africa (ADHASA) was founded on the principles of dietary intervention for children with ADD or hyperactivity and,... Read more
THE BASICS OF ADD DD/Hyperactivity is currently the most researched childhood condition, yet there is so much misunderstanding about it. Suggestions that their child may be affected by Attention Deficit Disorder... Read more
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