Cradle cap
It can be pretty upsetting to wake up one morning and find that your beautiful, perfect baby has a crust-like condition forming on his head. You may be embarrassed to show your baby to others, for fear of their reaction.
Rest assured that Cradle cap is very common in new babies. It’s not a condition that developed because of neglect, nor is it contagious. Best of all, with the right treatment, it will go away after a few days.
What is cradle cap?
Cradle cap is a skin condition found mainly on a new baby’s head. It can be described as a red, crusty, greasy and sometimes flaky rash. After a while, the rash can become thick and yellow.
When the rash appears on the baby’s eyelids, eyebrows, armpits, behind his ears and in his nappy area, this is known as seborrheic dermatitis.
What causes cradle cap?
It’s not entirely clear what causes cradle cap. What is known is that it’s not caused by poor hygiene.
It’s believed that the condition may form as a result of hormonal changes or overactive oil glands, shortly after the baby’s birth. The oily patches eventually dry out, forming red or yellow scales. This shouldn’t last for longer than a few weeks or months. Seborrheic dermatitis, should clear up after a few months, once the baby’s hormones have settled. Some believe that infants, who get cradle cap, often have relatives who suffer from allergies, including eczyma and asthma.
How can you prevent cradle cap?
It’s nearly impossible to prevent cradle cap from forming, but you can help minimize it. Regularly shampoo your baby’s hair and use a soft brush to remove the scales. If the cradle cap doesn’t bother you or your baby, leave it alone. It’ll go away eventually.
How can you treat cradle cap?
There isn’t a specific cream or lotion that treats cradle cap. The cheapest and easiest remedy, believe it or not, is baby oil. Simply massage the baby oil into your baby’s scalp and leave it on for several hours. You can also place an old towel on your baby’s bed and leave the oil on his head overnight. In the morning, use a fine-tooth comb or toothbrush and gently comb the scales out. Don’t dig into your baby’s scalp and forcefully remove the cradle cap. Easy does it. Repeat this process over several days until your baby’s scalp looks clearer.
If this remedy doesn’t work, use a mild anti-dandruff shampoo. Remember though that these products aren’t made for babies, and so you may have some sore, red eyes once bathing is done. Even if you manage to get the cradle cap under control, the condition can return as your baby’s hormones settle down.