Week 7 baby developments
At seven weeks your baby is delighting in new sights, sounds and touches and she’s letting you know she loves the world around her.
Her head is still wobbly but those neck muscles are getting stronger and stronger by the day.
Your baby is busy this week, she’s starting to make sense of her senses. She can look at a rattle and connect it to the sound it makes. Tracking moving objects, encourage her by slowly shifting a ball, cloth or rattle from one side to the other as she faces you. Watch as she plays along by moving her eyes back and forth.
Your baby is also staying awake and alert for longer periods now. These "quiet and alert" moments are prime learning time, so seize the opportunity to interact. Hold her close and sing her a song or nursery rhyme, read her a story or a magazine article. It doesn't matter what you read, she just likes the sound of your voice. Heck, you can even recite the lines from that poem by "what's his face" your English teacher made you memorise in seventh grade. She’ll love it and no you don’t look or sound silly. This is your gift, enjoy it!
When your baby does something new, this is a big accomplishment for your baby and it should be celebrated. Clap and cheer, letting your baby know you are proud of her. Clapping to your baby will also teach her to clap. You might start noticing your baby bringing her hands together in clapping motions around this time.
The natural tendency will be to compare your baby to your friends baby, you might find yourself asking if there’s something wrong with your baby if she isn’t smiling as much or holding her head up as long as your friends baby of the same age. Remember that every baby is unique and will acquire skills as she is ready.
If you have any concerns bring them up with your pediatrician or clinic at your baby’s next checkup.
Your life
Ok by now you’ve learned that your baby isn’t a machine and you can’t just switch her off and take a long bath or watch your favorite daytime soapies .She cries and demands your attention constantly that’s her way of communicating! She loves you and wants to be close to you.
Weak, red, wrinkly, puffy, leaky. The baby? No, you. Why didn't someone tell youpostpartum symptoms could last this long? The good news is that any pain and symptoms you're experiencing will gradually subside and, over time, those stretch marks will likely become less noticeable. The better news? Leggings are in! You’re probably wondering if anyone notices that you’re still sporting those maternity jeans?......not to worry your secret is still safe.
Do you still feel jealous when baby stops crying the moment daddy picks her up?? Be happy, use this for some you time and relax, let your partner take over.
Sex after baby
Sex after pregnancy happens. Honestly! First, however, vaginal soreness and sheer exhaustion are likely to take a toll. Whether you're in the mood or sex is the last thing on your mind here is what might concern you.
Will it feel different?
After a vaginal delivery, decreased muscle tone in the vagina may reduce pleasurable friction during sex, which can influence arousal. This is usually temporary
To tone your pelvic floor muscles, do Kegel exercises. Simply tighten your pelvic muscles as if you're stopping your stream of urine. Try it for 5 seconds at a time, 4 or 5 times in a row. Work up to keeping the muscles contracted for 10 seconds at a time, relaxing for 10 seconds between contractions. Once you've got the hang of it, do at least 3 sets of 10 Kegel exercises a day.