Week-Old Baby
How can such a little thing make such a big noise? Aside from crying, here's what your newborn is up to in her second week of life.
Life’s great when you’re a baby. All that’s required of you is to eat, pee, poop, sleep and look cute. Then, of course, there’s the crying. Remember that crying is your baby’s only way of communication. Soon, you’ll be able to identify what her cries mean; is she hungry or tired, does she need her nappy changed or does she simply want some love?
You’ll notice now that your baby has a startle reflex. She may be sleeping peacefully when out of the blue, she’ll startle herself awake. Her umbilical cord may have fallen off by now but if it hasn’t continue cleaning it with surgical spirits twice a day.
If your baby boy has been circumcised, make sure that his penis is kept clean and that there’s no infection.
Your beautiful baby may also develop a variety of rashes or pimples. Leave them alone mom! They’ll soon disappear.
Mom is struggling along, with very little sleep, spit-up in her hair and very, very swollen breasts. Your milk will have come in and hopefully your baby will be feeding like a champion. Make sure that you wear a good bra, to support your breasts. You can also put cabbage leaves over your breasts to make them feel a little better.